3 signs you’re ready to start your freelance career

A 3-minute read if you're still undecided.

Still on the fence about starting your freelance career?

That’s okay.

We all need time to let our thoughts simmer.

Especially because freelancing is hard and it’s a roller coaster ride, am I right?

Although admittedly, it is quite rewarding.

I know many of you are already freelancing, so this email is dedicated to those who are still thinking about it.

I’m a big believer of living a life that works for you. That is why I never promote quitting your 9-5.

What I do promote is giving freelancing a chance if it’s something you’re interested in.

Because the best time to start is always NOW.

So if you’re still on the fence,

it’s your time to shine 🌟

Here are 3 signs that you’re ready to jumpstart your freelance career:

1/ You have an idea of exactly what you want to do.

You can market yourself better if you know the role you want to pursue.

If you want to be a writer, go deeper on that.

Will you focus on SEO content, copywriting, grant writing, vegan recipe blogs?

Before my Freelancing 101 discovery calls, I ask my coachees about what service they’re providing/want to provide.

I do this because it’s important to gauge how ready you are before we dive into tips, advices, and strategies.

2/ You got the hard skills.

Do you know what you're really good at?

Can your skills face your clients?

Think of your hard skills as a set of superpowers that make you valuable in the freelancing world.

Hard skills give you a sense of direction.

Last month, a freelancer asked me about ‘standing out’ as a VA. Her hard skill was financial reporting.

So the simple thought in my head was this:

To market yourself as a Bookkeeping VA.

Now that’s a good & simple way to start!

3/ You carry the boss attitude.

Not bossy,

more like “I’m the boss & my own employee aka I am solely responsible for my growth” attitude.

Carrying this attitude can bring you to greater heights.

  • You decide when to work

  • what time you’re available

  • which clients to work with

  • what tools to use

  • and more!

So if you’ve made peace with the fact that you’re carrying yourself on your shoulders, then it’s about time you dive into freelancing.

There you have it!

I’ve got more thoughts in my pocket.

So if you need more signs to know if you’re ready for the freelancing life,

Have an amazing weekend,



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